Ohh come off it Lamerr, That was a boring race.
The last three have been superb entertainment. This one, as expected at this track, was extremely dull and that's a fact. There was next to no action whatsoever. If that's what you call an exciting race you must lead a very dull life.
Monaco will be the same. We all know it. We'll still watch it as we love the sport, but it will be a procession just like this one and no matter how you try to put spin on it, it wont be exciting (unless it rains

I agree there's no point people moaning about it as anyone who knows the sport knows certain tracks as good as guarantee a dull race, but don't try and tell people it was a good race when it obviously wasn't.
I don't know where you saw drama and excitement but there certainly wasn't any in the race i saw. Are you sure you didnt slip in a DVD of the last few races by mistake?