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The Moose
S2 licensed
The Jetta is shit (imho of course) very dull car and not looking that popular this season as far as i could tell. Get the Skippy, it's a no brainer.

I re-subbed up a couple of days ago after nearly a year out and I'm just loving racing the Skippy again. One of the best sim cars of all time.
Last edited by The Moose, .
The Moose
S2 licensed
Quote from pearcy_2k7 :Monaco is actually one of my favourite venues, though it does lack overtaking.

I love Monaco too, and completely appreciate the skill it takes to drive 1 1/2 hours round there in an F1 car. I'm not kidding myself that it will be in any way an exciting race though.
The Moose
S2 licensed
Ohh come off it Lamerr, That was a boring race.

The last three have been superb entertainment. This one, as expected at this track, was extremely dull and that's a fact. There was next to no action whatsoever. If that's what you call an exciting race you must lead a very dull life.

Monaco will be the same. We all know it. We'll still watch it as we love the sport, but it will be a procession just like this one and no matter how you try to put spin on it, it wont be exciting (unless it rains )

I agree there's no point people moaning about it as anyone who knows the sport knows certain tracks as good as guarantee a dull race, but don't try and tell people it was a good race when it obviously wasn't.

I don't know where you saw drama and excitement but there certainly wasn't any in the race i saw. Are you sure you didnt slip in a DVD of the last few races by mistake?
The Moose
S2 licensed
Quote from AMB :Post it on your S2 acccount hmm k?

Just shows what pathetic people the anti-Hamilton brigade are.
The Moose
S2 licensed
Quote from JPeace :Legard annoys me. He has to go.

True. Initially when the beeb took over F1 I was just happy to have got rid of that complete twat James Allen, but Legard is almost as bad.

For goodness sake get someone that can provide a little more exciting commentary. Ben Edwards (i think that's his name) wouldn't be a bad choice, at least he sounds enthusiastic and excited about what's going on when he commentates.
The Moose
S2 licensed
Quote from Timo1992 :would have expected a bit more from it..

Don't know why you expected more.... Barcelona is always a procession.
The Moose
S2 licensed
Quote from :It tells a lot about yourself.

The only thing it says about me is that i haven't played LFS for a long time. What that has to do with netKar is beyond me.

Go and troll elsewhere.
The Moose
S2 licensed
Quote from :At least I still know how LFS looks like.

6 months without online LFS racing and whining in a topic about a racesim on a forum of another racesim. How pathetic is that.

Hang on... you're the one doing the whining in this thread

I still completely fail to understand what when i last played LFS has got to do with anything.
Talking about a sim in the forum of another sim is pathetic? Why? Are you going to go into the iRacing thread next and tell everyone in there that they are pathetic?
This is the off topic section, where we talk about non LFS related matters, or hadn't you noticed?
You're not making any sense. Silly little boy.
Last edited by The Moose, .
The Moose
S2 licensed
Quote from :I rest my case.

Err, what? What case? What the **** has when I last played LFS got to do with anything in this thread?
The Moose
S2 licensed
Quote from :I'm done talking with you. Please go to NetKar, prick.

The only prick I see in this thread is you. What a moron.
The Moose
S2 licensed
Quote from 5haz : I hope you don't talk to people like this in real life.

He'd be making frequent trips to the A+E department if he did.
The Moose
S2 licensed
Quote from 5haz :now this thread has everything.

....except Karting
The Moose
S2 licensed
Quote from Intrepid :self important????

Feel free to replace the words "self important" with condescending (I know how much you love a bit of bold text )
The Moose
S2 licensed
Welcome to the Great British Tory Voter.

EDIT:- oops, not you Dan

You truly are a self important twat Alan, if I may be so bold.
The Moose
S2 licensed
I always had him looking like this....
The Moose
S2 licensed
Quote from Crashgate3 :We should have put together some 'Intrepid Bingo' cards. We've even had a dig at the BBC in this thread.

Personally I'm most disappointed that he hasn't managed to squeeze a karting reference in this thread anywhere.
The Moose
S2 licensed
Quote from squidhead :Ehm... I take it you two need to get a separate thread. The one that gives out BJ's to LFS and bashes on any other game that's trying to get close to being realistic

lol, you seem to have mistaken me for an LFS fanboy. I haven't even fired it up for longer than i care to remember.

You'll never catch me bashing on anything that tries to be realistic. That's why I hate GTR-E
The Moose
S2 licensed
Quote from gtpsharky : arcade racer-------- rather good.

The Moose
S2 licensed
With regards to the little discussion in January about Liverpool/Rafa...

BlueFlame/ D.Zanetti... where are you now?

Quote from The Moose :
We will not make the top 4 this season with him in charge, we will have sod all money to spend at the end of the season if thats the case, which in turn will leave us struggling to make the top 4 for a long time to come.

I'll take absolutely no pleasure at the end of the season in saying "I told you so"

If you're right then I'll be the happiest man alive. Unfortunately i think your living in la la land.

I told you so (and I take no pleasure in it)

Absolute disgrace of a season. Looks like the fat controller will be on his way out in the summer though.

New owners, new manager, new start. Let's hope for a lot better in 2010/11
The Moose
S2 licensed
1: Download from torrent site to "try before you buy"
2: Play it for a week and come to the conclusion that it's actually a sack of shit.
3: Remove from hard drive
4: Feel smug about the fact you've just saved 25 Euros.

The Moose
S2 licensed
Quote from :
Then it has a limited future.

It's managed 4 years with no problem and only continues to grow.

Quote from :And its not about the 20 Euro's.. It's what you get in comparison to LFS.

Indeed. you get a lot less content and a lot more simulation than LFS. I'll take quality over quantity any day.
The Moose
S2 licensed
Quote from :

But you cannot spectate at all, so thats a bit of a problem.

How many times do you need to be told? F2/F3 and num +/- to cycle through cars.

As for pickup , there isn't much and there never has been. netKar pro multiplayer is nearly 100% league based (of which there are many)

Never have I heard a league admin say.."ohh, this is impossible without a mini map"

Anyway, you're more interested in the fluff and not the substance, so this sim really isn't for you. netKar is all a about the physics, FFB and and overall driving experience, which is right up there with iRacing(and surpasses it in many aspects.)

.....and it's only 20 Euros ffs. I'd pay that just to hotlap the F2000.
The Moose
S2 licensed
Quote from :How can you buy this junk?

Installing costed far more time than testing. This doesn't deserve 1.0 status, let alone 1.1.

Interface is bbadd.. No proper hosting capabilities (kick/ban), crappy damage (and sounds). Horrible graphics also. Might be the settings dunno.. Crappy interface again.


Italians need to put more work into it.

Congrats. You score a 90% fail rating. (I'll give you the 'no kick/ban'. The rest was a miserable effort)
The Moose
S2 licensed
The under 30's
The Moose
S2 licensed
Quote from three_jump :Well, then it's not a good way to promote the multiplayer

No different to LFS demo servers to be fair.. It's not stopped people from buying a licence though.